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International Master Program in Energy and Green Hydrogen - WASCAL
Developing and sustaining green hydrogen technology in Africa will largely depend on the availability of the relevant know-how within the local communities. Currently this needed know-how is scarcely available. Locals are needed on ground in sufficient number and proficiency to let the current initiative thrive. The BMBF as part of its capacity building activities in Africa has launched a graduate school program for green hydrogen in partnership with the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Land Use -WASCAL. This graduate school will run as a two-year master program structured in accordance with other existing WASCAL graduate school programs that are also supported by the BMBF. FZJ together with RWTH will support this program from the beginning to its set-up and maintenance.
Studium und Lehre
- 9 - Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur
- 4 - Hochwertige Bildung
- 7 - Bezahlbare und saubere Energie
- Fakultät 8 - Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Templergraben 64
Dustin Sperling
E-Mail: sperling@controlling.rwth-aachen.de
In Umsetzung